It's a sad day (week) for my socks
This week has not been good for knitting. Or crocheting. Or typing. Or really anything else that requires use of my right wrist. I went to work Monday as usual and my wrist started hurting. Hurting badly enough that I switched my mouse to my left hand and begged the use of an ice pack. I had to stop by my mom's house after work and, being that she's a mom, she strong armed me into going to the doctor. I am now clumsily typing with a brace on my right wrist due to tendinitis. Lucky for me, the culprit is supposedly my use of the computer and NOT knitting or crocheting. So I only have one lonely sock. And lots of WIPs staring at me all over my apartment. In my car too. I'm supposed to not use the right wrist for 4-5 days, wear the itchy brace and use ice and heat and ibuprofen. There are bets going on as to how long I will actually make it without knitting. Today is Day 4. And I just may break down and attempt to navigate the tiny dpns just to see if I can. Besides, if I'...