
I was thinking while in the shower this morning. I don't know about you, but most of my best, and craziest ideas, come to me while I'm in the shower. Maybe because it's such a routine and mundane task. Or because it's near impossible to multi-task while doing it. Or there's something spiritual about the water or something. But I was thinking about marriage. And my marriage specifically.

I woke up this morning after being exhausted yesterday and then not being able to fall asleep. I went to bed and was stuck in that weird state where you're too tired to get up and do anything but you're too awake to actually sleep. My fellow insomniacs can relate. So when I woke up, my husband mentioned he heard me listening to videos on my iPad while trying to get sleepy enough to fall asleep. And then asked if I was going to try to craft myself into exhaustion again today. And I suggested an adventure instead.

For those of you who don't know, I'm a bit of a homebody. And by a bit - I mean I'm pretty much a hermit. I lived with my brother and should-be sister-in-law for quite a while and there were friends of theirs who didn't even realize I lived there for MONTHS because I rarely ventured out of my room to join in on any festivities. I was the farm hermit. I'm a crafter, a reader, a sewist, a knitter, a crocheter, a writer, an introvert and a doer. But I'd prefer to do it comfy clothes that don't match, no bra and my hair in a messy ponytail if at all possible. I LOVE to travel, but I also LOVE to come home.

So back to our adventure. We are on a pretty strict budget at the moment. And by strict, I mean STRICT. Like I'm even eating the oatmeal flavors I don't like out of the variety box strict. I'm stubborn, and nothing gets my creativity juices flowing quite like a challenge. This financial crap? I've turned it into a challenge in my twisted brain and now I'm doing crazy things like figuring out the best way to minimize trips to run errands and how to best use weird ingredients from the pantry that I don't remember buying. So our adventure today will be dropping off recycling, dropping off crap we don't need at charity, the dollar store (the real dollar store) and grocery shopping. We are exciting, people. Best part? He said he's game.

So I jumped in the shower. And that's when my brain jumped to the whole marriage thing. That husband of mine and I met online. We lived in different states, didn't date very long, got engaged, weren't engaged very long and got married. Then I moved here and we basically only lived together for weekends for the first two years of our marriage. We decided that was stupid so at the beginning of this year I quit my job, and decided I would live here full time, and find a job locally. Around the same time I started my job is when we found out Dad was going to have to have his bypass surgery. That's the infamous surgery that started the ball rolling on him almost dying. So basically, the first year I'm for reals being a wife? Also the HARDEST YEAR OF MY LIFE. And yet again, I'm living apart from my husband while I'm bedside with Dad while he's fighting for his life. Thankfully that only went on for a couple of months. And Dad is back to kicking ass again, slowly, but he's progressing.

So this husband of mine is awesome. And also insane. But we already knew that, because he has to be insane to be married to me. And I mean that in the good way. Our third anniversary is this December. So if you compared our years of marriage to the age of, say humans, it's a toddler. Most toddlers can't even effectively wipe their butts by this age. And look at what our marriage has already had to survive!

I'd say I'm pretty damn lucky. He'll even feign excitement at the prospect of a couple of hours of running errands because it's some time spent together on a Sunday. He puts up with my insane takeover of the house with craft supplies everywhere. And we are still working out which fights will be our Forever Fights, although I'm pretty sure we have a couple nailed down. His idea of "cleaning" is definitely one. And I'm pretty sure he'd tell you that my To Do list is not a real To Do list if things are just constantly being added to it. I disagree. But that's probably why it will be a Forever Fight.

He's gotten really good at applying KT tape to my joints when they misbehave, he's become a pro at lidocaine and Salonpas patch application and he's brilliant at catching me climbing ladders and step stools. I'm still not sure how he manages that last one, but he has a real knack for it. It's probably for the best though, as I have a tendency to smack my head or somehow lose my footing on them anyway. All in all, maybe all of the craziness we have had to endure can have some positive outcomes. We are definitely learning to work better together. And I'm doing my best to be grateful for what I have.

Here's a pic of us from our last anniversary, for fun. I actually did my makeup, then asked him to take a picture of us. You can't tell I did my makeup at all though. That's because I'm laughing so hard that my face is all scrunched up and I legitimately think I peed a little bit. He took a ton of pictures, but either his angles made us both look even fatter than we already are, you can see the clutter of the laundry room in the background, you can see a fly swatter in the background, or he looks disinterested in the whole mess. He was of course, giving commentary on the entire process, which is what caused me to laugh until I was crying and basically peeing myself. Laughter is important, my friends.


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