Life Update

I'm so happy it's Friday. This week is yet another in a long line of weeks trying desperately to kick me in the ass.

I started my week getting notified of downsizing at work. And I'm one of the ones who had their name drawn out of the sorting hat of downsizing. Or maybe it was chosen by the man behind the curtain? I'm not sure since they aren't saying how we were picked. It doesn't really matter, since once you're on the list, you're on the list.

It's a shame that the list isn't one that will send me to the college version of Hogwarts, or to an advanced Jedi school, but I suppose I'll deal with it the same way I deal with everything else - I just do.

Yesterday was my first pain doctor appointment. And let's just say after the first few days of turmoil filled fun this week had given me, I wasn't sure how that was going to play out. I got lucky though. This guy isn't a jerk. He also isn't an egotistical maniac. He actually read the enormous packet of paperwork they made me fill out, asked me a bunch of questions, listened to my answers AND did a physical exam. He even gave me treatment options, asked if I was comfortable with all of the plans, and let me ask a million questions. And when he answered all of my questions, he didn't make me feel belittled or stupid. He even complimented me on asking good questions.

The plan right now is to do trigger point injections to help with the pain I'm experiencing in my back and to start physical therapy. He is concerned about the way I responded to a reflex test in my elbow and wrist and wants to redo the EMG I had done last year in my left arm. So that is also being scheduled. So yay for progress!!

I also decided I'm definitely ditching the stupendously crappy primary care doctor. Life's too short to deal with jerks. So I've asked around and gotten at least one other recommendation and I'm going to cancel my follow up with the guy I don't like. And I still have my follow up with the neurosurgeon on September 11.

As for the rest of it, work is keeping me around for at least another month. And I'll keep doing what I do. I try my best to face life with humor, optimism, some realistic perspective thrown in for fun and some sparkle to keep it interesting (sparkle, not glitter, glitter gets on everything and no one likes that shit.) I'm pissed about the work thing, but I'm also a grown up and know there is nothing I can do about it and there is no one to blame. So I'll do my job to the best of my abilities like I do on any other day because I absolutely will not allow my irritation to cause problems for my teammates. This is not their fault and why should they suffer for something beyond their control? And I know I am intelligent, hardworking and have a really strong work ethic. If this doesn't work out, I have stellar references and a great work history. I can, and will, find something else. Optimism and sparkle.

Oh and I was sewing again. Look I made a wristlet!


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