
I'm a horrible blog owner. I always come up with all of these wonderful things to write about and then never actually write anything down. I am pretty sure there's a whole stack of post-it's floating around my house full of fabulous ideas. Of course I won't find them again until I'm once again feeling too lazy to type anything. So you're just getting my normal rambling instead of well constructed ideas.

I have moved yet again. This time into a house that feels more like mine. My boyfriend and I have been house shopping for months and finally found one! He bought it but we both picked it out. It's been a trial of wills and patience but I think we are working through the clutter and each others' idiosyncrasies pretty well at this point. One of out big sticking points is the craft clutter I possess. We are in disagreement on where it should all go. He has no problem with the massive amounts of yarn and scissors etc that I have, he simply thinks they should be displayed differently and doesn't understand the reasoning for organizing by type of fiber or weight of yarn. We are working through it.

I'm still knitting at least! I finished my grey socks that I started in October of last year!!

I am working on a test knit for Mindy and I am knitting my third, yes, third Holden. It is such a lovely pattern and wears so nicely. This time I'm using Three Irish Girls Springvale sock in the color way You Are My Sunshine and it's beautiful. I can't even describe how much I am loving working with this yarn.

Hopefully a post of finished objects can be posted soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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