
Showing posts from August, 2012

Appreciating the Little Ones

I am normally a busy person. I do best under pressure. Lately I have spent less time worrying about my household chores (my house is still cleaned, but looks a little more...lived in) and more time playing with the kids around me. My nephew is 15 months old and recently began walking and talking up a storm. He's a complete terror and I absolutely adore him. I am lucky enough to only live a mile away from him but until recently didn't make as much of an effort as I should have to go and see him. I had work to do. Laundry that needed folded. Floors that needed swept. The last couple of weeks I have gone to see my nephew every couple of days. The laundry piled up a little. I'm pretty sure all three bathrooms need a serious scouring and I probably need to run the dishwasher. But the world didn't end. So today when I had the option of going home or playing in a sandbox with a delightful 4 year old, I picked the sandbox. I got to shovel sand into a dump truck and make vroom v...


I have never been a monogamous knitter. I like having multiple projects going all at once. I normally have at least one shawl, a sock, a few big projects and some that caught my eye and I have to knit them Rightthissecond. That being said, this whole Ravellenic Games knitting is kicking my butt. I'm working on just my project and only my project since opening ceremonies. I'm knitting the Color Affection finally and it's wonderful. But I miss my other projects! I'm almost done and very excited that it looks like I will meet my goal. But seriously. I miss knitting socks. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad