Appreciating the Little Ones

I am normally a busy person. I do best under pressure. Lately I have spent less time worrying about my household chores (my house is still cleaned, but looks a little more...lived in) and more time playing with the kids around me. My nephew is 15 months old and recently began walking and talking up a storm. He's a complete terror and I absolutely adore him. I am lucky enough to only live a mile away from him but until recently didn't make as much of an effort as I should have to go and see him. I had work to do. Laundry that needed folded. Floors that needed swept. The last couple of weeks I have gone to see my nephew every couple of days. The laundry piled up a little. I'm pretty sure all three bathrooms need a serious scouring and I probably need to run the dishwasher. But the world didn't end. So today when I had the option of going home or playing in a sandbox with a delightful 4 year old, I picked the sandbox. I got to shovel sand into a dump truck and make vroom v...