I have been missing from my blog for far too long. I could give a bunch of excuses but mostly I'm lazy and since I updated my iPad to iOS 5 my blog app doesn't work and iTunes still hasn't approved the update. And I like using that app better than typing directly on the website. And my iPad is always with me and I don't always feel like finding my MacBook. So lazy I know. Since I have been gone I have moved, I have had surgery and I have had complications from the surgery. On a good note the doctors are testing me for everything under the sun and I should have some news about the issue today. On a crappy note there is a chance I'll never be able to have children and that's as scary as it gets. So think good thoughts for me please. Prayers, if you're into that sort of thing, probably wouldn't hurt either. One good part of being in pain and stuck either on a couch or in my bed, is that I've knit and crocheted A LOT. I need to take pictures and upda...