
Showing posts from September, 2011

Finished PAIR of socks!

I was starting to think I'd never actually complete a pair of socks. But I did it! The boyfriend socks are still not done (mostly because I don't like working with the yarn) but I completed a pair of socks for myself! See! I made anklets to see if it would be possible for me to estimate correctly without a scale and somehow I did it. I'm pretty sure my mom will manage to guilt me into giving them to her but for now I'm basking in the glow of a completed project. Here's a close up of one of the socks. And I spent most of my day at my LYS Lambikins and finally bought some Malabrigo sock. It's amazing and I didn't even make it out of the store without casting on for a pair of socks for me (these I'm keeping no matter what)! This picture doesn't do the colors justice. But trust me it's beautiful even wound up in the ball! I have to also work on the boyfriend socks and when those are done, I'm absolutely using the hot pink and grey yarn. For now I...

I'm knitting!

I'm finally able to knit again! I finished the first of the boyfriend socks, a sock for myself, started the second sock for me, and finished a piece of a messenger bag that has been staring at me for a long time. I need to take pictures and post them. It's been really overcast lately and my only real camera is my iPhone so I need to catch some natural light to make them look decent. I'm hoping to finish all 3 of these WIPs and if so my reward will be using my amazing hot pink and grey yarn for another pair of socks for myself. I think it is completely attainable! And on another note, knitting charts on my iPad are amazing since I can rotate and resize them with one hand! Lots of exciting happenings in my Tangled little world lately! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad