Not sleeping Equals Productivity

I should preface this whole post with the following information: I have not slept more than 2 hours at a time in over 7 days. Read at your own risk. Ok, now that the PSA is over I must tell you exciting news! The crocheted Blanket of Neverending Doom is finally for real FINISHED! It only took me somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-9 years but it's really done. It's currently in the dryer though so no pics as proof yet. Tomorrow it will be gracing my bed. I also made a set a of 4 coasters today. And I made an amigurumi. And I frogged a project. And I knit on another project. Oh and I frogged another one and started it over. Why so productive? Because I can't sleep and can barely function courtesy of allergies and asthma that plague me this time of year. I'm under the care of an amazing specialist who has me properly medicated. Even better, he has been treating me for close to 11 years now and knows how to properly threaten me in order to get me to actually take the prescr...